I spent yesterday at Samish Island Arts Festival. I was not able to attend the festival last Summer and was very happy to see it has grown. They had more music, more vendors and even wine tasting. Now if I could just fine a wine without sulfites I would be really happy. I sold some of my wares( fabric, framed art, Girls Night Out Bags and other stuff) and came home with some Soy Candles. I will admit that I am a candle burner. I love Soy candles but have found they are always so expensive. My booth was next to a couple of gals that were selling soy candles and I brought some home to try out. Plus they are both moms and are trying to start a home based business just like I have. I like to support buy local if I can.
I think I have recovered from my weekend. I spent the weekend in a little place called Napavine, WA with the Rainy Daze Quilt Guild. It was the first time the guild had put on a quilt show. They did an excellent job of displaying the quilts. I was impressed by the variety of quilts that were hung. From very traditional quilts in very traditional fabrics to hand painted art quilts. They also had a number of portrait quilts.
"Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am" my dad gave me a mini slow cone with that saying on it. But I keep thinking that I should that I should write a book titled "Lessons I Learned From My Dog." The biggest lesson is to be happy about the little things. My studio is at my home, many times I find myself working, working, working. I don't remember to take time for me. I try to take some time in the late afternoon to sit down and read. The summer bring me out into the yard. Yesterday I put out my lounge chair and then the phone rang. Sometime later I finally made it outside. Molly was sitting next to my chair. As I came out the door her ears came up, tail started to wag, then her whole body to wiggle. She was just so happy to see me. It's the little things.