Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I just joined the local quilt guild. Around16 women and only 3 or 4 have quilted before, but the rest are eager and willing to learn. Before I joined the Sew 'n' Sews made a quilt to raffle off to raise money for the new library building. And now a couple of other community groups would like fundraising quilts as well. So we were asked to choose a color, a block and make three blocks, Brights, Country and Pastels, using white for the background. This was a real challenge for me. I generally audition colors and put together what feels right. I seldom use pastels or white unless it is a focus color. Well, I don't draw inside the lines very often either. It was great fun to get out my stash and see just how many shades of green I had.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

On the left is a version of Fiona's favorite bag. I used a cord maker to create the cord. I have been using a regular black cord on most of my bags, but that got a little boring. I found this cord maker and have been having a great time making fun and intresting cords with texture. Now I get to create bags to go with the cords on the right. Such fun adding texture to my world.

Here is a new friend. I found this pattern and thought he was just to cute to pass up. The Toadally Awasome Toad is made using one Fat Quarter of Yukon Gold hand marbled in the rocks or stones design. He always looks like he has had a nip or two of moonshine.

I'm back! The saying life happens has become a reality in my life. I am in the middle of physical therapy for my ankle. It is a real challenge. Recover is all about balance. To much and you slide backwards, not enough and you don't move forward. In order to achieve the proper balance I had to let a few things go for a time. So I am back to blogging once again.

New featured fabric (back by special request) Ugly Duckling in the Freestyle design. Look at my February 28, 2007 entry to see why.