Today was a productive multi-task day. The morning started with marbling Yukon Gold. It is one of my original colors and I love seeing how it has evolved. You could say the light bulb came on and I changed the blue. Amazing what a different tone of blue will do, it just made the colors POP! I will put some up after they cure and have their bath.
Next I moved on to dying fabric. My husband Mike dubbed it "now that's purple." A rich deep dark purple, that is currently in the dryer.
Then I was off to alum some Fat Half (22" x 36") pieces. I have found them very useful when I am making Wearable Art pieces like the Green Coat that is currently displayed on my website at: The front and back center panels both use Fat Halves of evergreen hand marbled fabric.
After that I worked on the Sweatshirt Jacket that is under construction. I wanted something fun to wear with jeans. I'm using some navy hand marbled fabrics and mixing it with a variety of navy fabrics that I have in my stash. It has become a experiment in meandering stitches. Each project that I make will ultimately end up in my booth at quilt and art shows. But I also want each project to be a learning experience.
Now Blogging and then create dinner. Humm, what should it be tonight?