Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Random Thoughts

Big Sigh! I just spent the past weekend in Spokane, WA with the Washington State Quilt Guild. 591 wonderful quilts of all sizes shapes, styles, textures and colors. My mind is still digesting everything. The response to my hand marbled fabrics was overwhelming. It is always interesting to see what colors sell and peoples reactions to particular colors.

I also handed out a bunch of business cards to quilters that lived in rural Montana, Idaho and Washington. It made me really glad that my website takes into consideration that the entire world does not have Highspeed Internet. It is really nice to have pages that load at a reasonable rate even if you are on dial up.

It is always nice to make someones day. The Quilt Show was located at an Expo/Fairgrounds location. The Fairground Staff was amazing. The bathrooms were so clean you needed to wear sunglasses. When I stopped the gal that was working in the area where my booth was located and told her that I really appreciated all the time and energy that she had put in keep the place spotless. Well, she turned bright red, got all embarrassed but I did notice she the had a bit more spring in her step and walked a little taller. It only takes a moment to make the world brighter for someone else.


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