Sunday, December 09, 2007

Taking a break from marbling -
I had my ankle surgery on Thursday. I am not ready to get up and dance the Can-Can just yet. My surgeon thought things went well. I was on huge drugs so I will have to take his word for it. We unwrapped my ankle this morning and well it looks like I got stepped on by one of the Budweiser Clydesdale's. Just all purple and puffy.

I am just really excited that that part is over and I can get on to healing. I just want to move on with my life. I have many thing I would like to do. 50 isn't old it is just getting started.


At 7:18 AM, Blogger Jo Raines said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery. I have a patch on my eye from basal cell carcinoma surgery there and on my chest and a skin graft on my eye. Looks horrid--like a wad of skin pushed into the hole and my eye is turned inside out and stitched partially shut. Beautiful. I am hoping for a semblance of normalcy when all is said and done. And I'm 44.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Marbled-Arts said...

Thank you for you encouragement. I refuse to let life get me down

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Marbled-Arts said...

Thank you for you encouragement. I refuse to let life get me down

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Marbled-Arts said...

Thank you for you encouragement. I refuse to let life get me down


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